Program Services

Our students are offered a variety of services to secure that they are attaining high levels of language acquisition. 
Designated English Language Development

Designated ELD refers to a set time during the day, where English language learners received instruction that focuses on how the English language works through the CA ELD Standards. This instruction is meant to connect to what is being taught in the core classes. ELLs should be grouped for Designated ELD instruction.  Because ELD materials are correlated to grade level curriculum, students should be grouped within the same grade level.  


English learners are in the process of learning a new language and in many cases a new culture.  The classroom teacher is expected to utilize instructional strategies that focus on language development. Some examples of language building strategies are Guided Language Acquisition Design (GLAD) , articulating thinking, academic language building, and strategies that are based off of the ELA/ELD Framework.

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Integrated English Language Development

English language learners must have their language needs met throughout the whole day, not just during Designated ELD. Integrated ELD focuses on building language through the core content areas. ELLs are exposed to instructional strategies throughout the day that will help make the content accessible to them. Some of those instructional strategies are GLAD, articulating thinking, academic language building, and strategies that are based off of the ELA/ELD Framework. Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE) is a teaching approach with strategies intended for the acquisition of a second language through core content classes. 

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Academic Support

LUSD has 8 Academic Clinicians who provide intervention services to our students when needed. 


LUSD also has tutors in many classrooms to support our students.