District » Developer Fees

Developer Fees


Government Code Section 66006(b) requires that each fund established for developer fee revenues, a district shall, within 180 days of the close of each fiscal year, make available to the public the beginning and ending balance for the fiscal year and the fee, interest, and other income and the amount of expenditure by public facility.  
LUSD shall review the accounting of developer fees at a scheduled board meeting, 15 days after the information is available for public review. Click below to view the most current report.
The next review is scheduled for October 10, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. 
Livingston Union School District
Board Conference Room
922 B Street, Livingston 
Increased Developer Fee Rates
(Approved on June 20, 2024)
A public hearing was held by the Governing Board of the Livingston Union School District at its regular meeting to consider a resolution implementing school facilities fees in accordance with Government Code Section 65995(b)3.  On June 20, 2024, the Governing Board approved Resolution No. 28--2023-24 to increase its school facilities fees.  New rates will take effect on August 20, 2024. 

Education Code Section 17620 authorizes school districts to levy a fee (known as developer fees) on residential and commercial/industrial development  projects for the purpose of funding the construction or modernization of school facilities. The basis of developer fees is the relationship between new development and the impact on school districts to provide adequate school facilities for the student population that new development generates. Further information on the allocation of developer fees is set forth in Education Code Section 17620, pursuant to Government Code 65995. 

DEVELOPER FEE RATES effective August 20, 2024  

  • $5.17 per square foot for Residential Construction
  • $0.84 per square foot for Commercial/Industrial Construction



Property owners must complete the below "Certification of Compliance Form" and get verification by the City of Livingston's Building Inspection Division before paying school developer fees.  Fees and completed form must be submitted to the District Office located at 922 B Street, Livingston CA 95334.


If you need further information about developer fee rates, please contact:

Berenice Guzman  ....... (209) 394-5425  ...... [email protected]



Below you will find our current and prior years Developer Fee Studies.