Use of School Facilities
We recognize that district facilities and grounds are a vital community resource whose primary purpose is to be used for school programs and activities. The Livingston Union School District authorizes the use of school facilities by residents, groups, organizations or businesses for purposes specified in the Civic Center Act, to the extent that such use does not interfere with school activities or other school-related uses.
School related activities shall have priority in the use of facilities and grounds. Other uses authorized under the Civic Center Act shall be on a first-come, first-served basis.
Application for Use of Facilities
Persons or organizations applying for use of school facilities or grounds shall submit a facilities use agreement. Any person applying for the use of any school facility or grounds on behalf of any society, group or organization shall be a member of the applicant group.
Damage and Liability
Groups, organizations, or persons using school facilities or grounds shall be liable for any property damage caused by the activity, including any injuries resulting from its negligence during the use. The District may charge the amount necessary to repair the damages and may deny the group further use of school facilities or grounds.
Groups, organizations or persons shall also provide the district with evidence of insurance and include the district as an additional insured on their liability policy for claims arising out of the group's own negligence when using school facilities. (See sample of liability coverage below)
- Fees and Regulations
- Use of Facilities Agreement Form
- Rental Cleaning Checklist (For Prusso Center Building)
- Sample Liability Coverage Certificate