Local Control Accountability Plan

What is the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)? 

The LCAP is a critical part of California's new funding system for school districts all across the state.  Each school district must engage parents, educators, employees and the community to develop a 3-year plan that best serves the needs of students in Livingston.  The plan will identify the district's annual goals for all students and for each subgroup in regards to eight state priorities, as well as the plans for implementing actions to achieve those goals.   

State Priority Areas That Must Be Addressed in the LCAP

1  |  Basic Services -  Providing all students access to fully credentialed teachers, instructional materials that align with state standards and safe facilities.

2  |  Implementation of the Academic Content and Performance Standards - Implementation of the Common Core State Standards

3  |  Parental Involvement - efforts in seeking parent input and promote parent participation in programs

4  |  Student Achievement - improving student achievement and outcomes as measured by statewide assessments, Academic Performance Index, English proficiency scores, and EL reclassification rates

5  |  Student Engagement - supporting students attendance measured by school attendance rates, chronic absenteeism, middle school dropout rates

6  |  School Climate - nurturing students in a healthy school environment where they feel safe, suspension rates, expulsion rates, and other local measures

7  |  Access to Courses - ensuring all students have access to classes that prepare them for college and careers

8  |  Other Student Outcomes - measuring other important student outcomes related to required areas of study including physical education, community services, students clubs and the arts

In addition to these eight areas, the district may also identify goals related to its own local priorities, and incorporate them into the LCAP.  The initial plan will cover three years, but must be updated annually by the district by July 1 of each following year.



The district has established an advisory committee made up of parents, community members, teachers, classified staff, early education staff and administrators.  Stakeholder advisory meetings are conducted throughout the year to gather information and receive input that will guide the District's development of priorities for the LCAP.  Based on the input of all stakeholders, the district develops its plan customized to address the needs of our students including English learners, low-income and foster youth students. Click below to view the district's current Local Control & Accountability Plan.  

For questions regarding the LCAP or if you would like a printed copy of the LCAP, please contact Maria Torres-Perez at (209) 394-5430 or [email protected].

Local Control and Accountability Plan
  • 2024-2027 Approved District LCAP.......  English    |    Spanish
  • 2023-2024 Approved District LCAP.........English    |    Spanish
  • 2022-2023 Approved District LCAP.......  English    |    Spanish
  • 2021-2022 Approved District LCAP.......  English    |    Spanish
Additional Plans
Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan
Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan (LCP) 2020-21   English  |  Spanish
LCFF Budget Overview for Parents (2020-21):   English    |   Spanish
LCFF Budget Overview for Parents (2021-22):   English    |   Spanish
LCFF Budget Overview for Parents (2022-23):   English    |   Spanish
LCFF Budget Overview for Parents (2023-24):   English    |   Spanish
2019-2020 LCAP Stakeholder Input Sessions
2019-2020 District LCAP Update   English   |   Spanish