Title I Programs
Economically Disadvantaged
Title I is a federally funded program whose purpose is to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education, and reach proficiency on the state content standards and assessments. The intent of the funding is to meet the educational needs of the low-achieving students enrolled in the highest poverty schools. Qualification for these funds is based in part upon the number of students in the district who are receiving free or reduced price lunches as well as AFDC and other factors. Monies can be budgeted in a wide variety of areas with the key being these funds need to be supplemental to the base program and not supplanting the base program.
Migrant Education services are provided for students who have been in the US for three or less years. Students who frequently return to Mexico or the families frequently move to follow work in the fields also qualify as migrant. The program is funded at the regional level and is operated by the Merced County Office of Education. The program agreement designates all funds for direct services to Migrant students. Funds are not given to the district but expenses are reimbursed by the Migrant program.