Adopted Materials
- Language Arts: Benchmark Education Co., Advance/Adelante - Includes ELD
- Math: McGraw-Hill, My Math/Mis Matemáticas
- History/Social Science: Houghton Mifflin History-Social Science/Historia y Ciencias Sociales (California) (English & Spanish)
- Science: Houghton Mifflin Science/Ciencias California (English & Spanish)
- Health: Harcourt Health & Fitness (English Only)
Middle School
- Language Arts- Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, California Collections - Includes ELD
- History/Social Studies - National Geographic
- Science- Glencoe 2007- Focus on Earth Science, Focus on Life Science
- Science- It's About Time 2007- Interactions in Physical Science
- Gateways- Steck-Vaughn 2010 California Gateways Level 1A - Level 4
- Health- Glencoe 2005- Teen Health Course 1, Course 2, and Course 3
- Math- McGraw-Hill 2015- Glencoe Accelerated Math, Glencoe California Math Course 1, Course 2, and Course 3
- Integrated Math - Houghton Mifflin Harcourt - Integrated Math 1 & 2
- DLA- Holt 2006- Nuevas Vistas Curso de Introducion and Curso Uno
- ELD- Scholastic, Inc. 2011- English 3D I and English 3D II