Keep Safe Connections


School Counseling Resources

Merced County Keep Safe Connections


Academic Domain

Elementary School

Middle School

Social-Emotional Domain

Elementary School

Middle School

College/Career Domain

Elementary School

Middle School


Parent Resources

Crisis Services

Below are resources available should you find yourself or someone else in a situation where immediate mental health services are needed.
  • National Suicide Prevention Hotline --- 1.800.273.8255
  • Central Crisis & Suicide Prevention Hotline --- 1.888.506.5991
  • Crisis Text Line --- Text HOME to 741741
  • Kingsview Behavioral Health Services --- 1.559.256.7602

2-1-1 is the local non-emergency line that will connect you to a trained specialist to assist you in finding the resources you or your

loved one may need. The Suicide Prevention hotline is 1-800- 273-8255 and all emergency situations should

be handled by contacting 9-1-1.