Educational Services » Williams Uniform Complaint

Williams Uniform Complaint

What is Williams Settlement Agreement?
In May 2000, public interest advocates representing students across the state filed a lawsuit against the State of California, Superintendent of Public Instruction, State Board of Education and the California Department of Education. The lawsuit claimed that the state failed to provide poor and underprivileged students with equal educational opportunities.
After several years of intense litigation, a settlement agreement was reached and the Williams Settlement Agreement was signed into law by Governor Schwarzenegger. The Settlement Agreement provides requirements designed to ensure that all students will have books in specified subjects and that their schools will be clean and in safe condition. The legislation also takes steps toward assuring that children have qualified teachers. 
Education Code 35186 requires districts to develop procedures for filing complaints concerning deficiencies related to the following:
  • Textbooks and Instructional Materials
  • Facility Conditions
  • Teacher Vacancy or Misassignment
To file a complaint regarding any of the above concerns, please contact your school principal or download the Williams Complaint Form. You may also visit the California Department of Education website for more information. 
Complaints may be filed with the school principal or district office at the following location:
Attn: Superintendent's Office
Livingston Union School District
922 B Street
Livingston, CA 95334
Complaints may be filed anonymously, however, if you wish to receive a response to your complaint, contact information must be provided. 

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