School Board
Regular Board Meeting Dates and Times for 2024
Date.........Second Thursday of Every Month
Time.........6:00 p.m.
Location...District Board Room, 922 B Street in Livingston
Trustee Rigo Espinoza
Board Member Dustin Cunningham
Rigo Espinoza, Vice President
Term: 2022-2026
Dustin Cunningham
Appointed Term: Oct. 2023 - Nov. 2024
Trustee Land
Anne Land, Clerk
Term: 2020-2024
Trustee C orreia
Yolanda Correia, President
Term: 2022-2026
Trustee Monica Cuevas Avila
Monica Cuevas-Avila
Term: 2020-2024
To achieve our purpose and moral imperative guided by our core values, we commit to these priorities: 
  • Ensure accountability and support for improving student learning through effective daily instruction and supplemental programs and services designed to accelerate and remedy learning gaps, post-pandemic.
  • Support a focus on early literacy to increase the number of students reading at grade level by 3rd grade.
  • Increase opportunities with high-interest meaningful learning through project based lessons, extra-curricular activities (i.e. arts, music, science technology, athletics and student specific interests designed to engage students in deeper learning.
  • Expand supplemental learning support to address the needs of English learners, foster and homeless youth, and struggling learners.
  • Promote a student-centered culture focused on fostering relationships between adults to students through mutual respect, professionalism, encouragement, equity, and high expectations in a school environment that is safe for students and staff. 
  • Increase opportunities for schools to celebrate and promote the cultural diversity of our school community.
  • Build the capacity of teachers, leaders, and support staff to achieve exemplary performance by offering professional opportunities to learn and collaborate. 
  • Ensure fiscal solvency and judicious allocation of resources aligned with district LCAP and priorities.
Click HERE to view full version of the district's core values and priorities.